Animal Search Results


Carlos is a beautiful female Harlequin Macaw. For a macaw she is extremely quiet and is use to a home environment. Although she has some trust issues she quickly settles down. Prior macaw experience would be a tremendous help to bring this quiet, sweet girl out of her shell. She is very interested in people and so much wants to interact, but is afraid of hands. She will be a wonderful macaw for the person she picks!!! Please fill out an application and we hope you are the person she knows is waiting for her!! I kept tryiing to get video of Carlos doing what looks like a headstand, my apologies for how dark the video turned out!! The Adoption Process:Fill out our online adoption application which can be found on our website, (no phone calls please). A representative from A Helping Wing will be in touch to answer all questions and discuss setting up a first visit. Multiple visits are required before adoption. Although there is no application fee, there is an adoption fee, which covers food, medical care, etc., and allows us to continue our efforts in rescuing, caring for, and finding homes for all of our birds. All birds at AHW have been vetted and have negative tests for any disease before they are made available for adoption!

Breed: Macaw

Gender: Female

Age: Adult


Jewel has two siblings, Jake and Jinx, and their mother is Jemma - all rescued from a local kill shelter. Jewel is playful and frisky and loves chasing toys and playing with her kitty friends. She LOOOOVES to be brushed. She will be all over you and meow up a storm if you try to stop. Or if you try and brush other kitties and not her. She is the last of her family still waiting for a forever home. Approx. DOB 7/20/2012

Breed: Domestic Short Hair

Gender: Female

Age: Senior


Mario is a male Lab mix born about 11/16/12.  He is up to date on shots and neutered .  He and his siblings were dropped in the parking lot of a local pound(guess the person who had them was to chicken to go in and face what he/she was about to do).  The shelter was out of room so these sweet babies were going to be put down immediately, we were called and were able to get these guys into a foster home where they now await adoption.     

Breed: Labrador Retriever

Gender: Male

Age: Adult


Dolly is a female blue heeler/lab mix born about 11/16/12.  She is up to date on shots and  spayed.  She and her siblings were dropped in the parking lot of a local pound(guess the person who had them was to chicken to go in and face what he/she was about to do).  The shelter was out of room so these sweet babies were going to be put down immediately, we were called and were able to get these guys into a foster home where they now await adoption.

Breed: Labrador Retriever

Gender: Female

Age: Adult


Breed: American Bobtail

Gender: Female

Age: Young


This 10 year-old love muffin is summed up perfectly by his temporary caretaker, who says with a giant, affectionate smile on her face, “He is beautiful and busy!” This cute, 39 pound sweetheart was on the euth list at a high-kill shelter after being found as a stray. Immediately, he won the hearts of volunteers with his hilarious antics—he will do anything to make people laugh, and once he finds something that works, whether playing ball, or enthusiastically scratching his back on the grass, he will keep it up—and soon after was rescued by a wonderful foster. Benjamin Franklin adores his canine foster siblings, and is so smart he’s already learning his basic commands. He is curious, and loving, and an absolute joy to be with. His enormous heart is matched by his energy level, and while he is never obnoxious, Franklin would be happiest with a family who—regardless of how small their home—would be able to give him regular exercise. In exchange, this sweetheart will offer up a lifetime of hilarious laughter and unending love.

Breed: Terrier

Gender: Male

Age: Senior

Adopt App for BDF Cat Rescue (in comment section)

This is the adoption application for Backdoor Friends Purebred Cat Rescue located in Farmington Hills, MI 2 ways to get an adoption application to us: 1) Copy the link below and paste it into your browser window. You can then complete the app on line, then click the 'Submit' button found at the bottom of the app. OR 2) Copy the blank application below and paste it into a word document then print it. Fill it out, and return it to us via email or postal service: Email completed application form to US Postal Service Mail to: Backdoor Friends Cat Rescue, 35560 Grand River Ave. #305, Farmington Hills, MI 48335 Adoption Application: Backdoor Friends Purebred Cat Rescue Cats are in foster homes. An application needs to be filled out before meeting the cat(s). * Indicates required field Name * First Last Email * Address * Line 1 Line 2 City State Zip Code Country Home Phone Number * Cell Phone Number * Work Phone Number * Desired Cat Age * Kitten Young adult Adult Senior: Age 7 + Desired Fur length of Cat * Breed Desired * Purebred Mixed breed No preference Is this cat for someone specific? * For me For someone else Children's pet Companion for current pet Entire household Number of animals in home * None See Below Please describe pets in home Pets in your home * Cat(s) Dog(s) Birds Reptiles Fish Rabbit(s) Other None If you have cats and/or dogs, do they receive regular vaccinations? * Yes No I do not have cats and dogs. If not, why not vaccinate? Use as much space as you need. Name of Veterinarian AND phone number of clinic * Name of Previous Animal Clinic (if you don't have one now) as well as its telephone number What vet do you plan to use for your new cat(s)? * Are you aware that the average yearly health care for a cat is $150-$200? * Yes No Describe the last pet(s) with name(s) you owned * What happened to animal(s)? * Have you ever introduced a new animal to your house? How did you do it? How did the animal react? * Who will be the main caretaker of your new cat? * How many people in your household? * Children? Please list ages. * How do other members of your house feel about adopting a new cat? Will anyone be home during the day for the new cat? * Is anyone in the household allergic to cats? * Yes No Maybe I don't know Where will this cat be most of the time? * Indoors only Indoor/outdoor Confined to one room Add comment about where cat will be in the house. Do you own or rent your home? * Own Rent If you rent, please give name and telephone number of landlord (required) For renters: Are pets allowed? Yes No What will you do with your cat when you go on vacation? * What will you do if your cat sprays or has litter box issues? * How will you handle destructive scratching? * Who is your backup caretaker in case you are unable to care for the cat? * Backup caretaker's name First Last Phone Number Email Backup caretaker's relationship to you For what reasons would you consider returning the cat to BFPCR? * I am over 21-years old. * Yes I acknowledge that the above statements are true and accurately reflect my feelings for adopting a cat from Backdoor Friends Purebred Cat Rescue. * Yes Additional Comments

Breed: Domestic Short Hair

Gender: Female

Age: Adult


DOB: Dec 2010 Arrival:  Dec 2012 History:  Leah was pulled from a high kill shelter when her time was up. 41lbs The best things in life take time, and we are hoping the time has come for Leah to find her forever home! Leah is a beautiful, mid-sized, senior Carolina dog with a sweet, good-natured personality. She is shy with strangers at first, but once you are in her inner circle, you are rewarded ten-fold. Gaining Leah’s trust may take a few visits, but once you have that trust, she is loving and loyal. Leah’s life took a huge turn when she was pulled from a high-kill shelter. Folks here surmise that she grew up with limited, or no, stability and as a very young girl did not get much guidance or socialization from her person.  Leah likes to stay close to those she cares about by sitting or lying near their feet. She loves neck scratches, and if you stop, she will let you know with a gentle “boop” of her nose that your job isn’t quite done yet. Leah loves to be outside, whether it is out for a walk or laying in a sun. A fenced backyard would be ideal for her to run and sniff around outside as well as play with her toys. Due to her reserved personality, a home with young children would not suit her. Cats, or as Leah sees them- snacks, are also a no-go for her new home. When it comes to dogs, she can sometimes be picky with her new friends, but when she meets a dog that suits her fancy, you’d never guess she wasn’t a puppy! She may take some time to adjust living in a home, so giving her time to adjust in a room of her own will help her build confidence and learn that she is safe. If Leah was able to find a family that saw her for the gem she is, we know she would make the best companion. After all she has been through, we are hoping that someone will give her the chance she deserves to live the rest of her life in luxury. Winter 2024 Update: "Whatever you do, don't tell Mary, but I ate my winter coat.  There!  It's out there and off my chest.  Whew!  Folks are not sure what possessed me to rip it off and basically shred it.  Was it the color?  The style? Not the best fit or look? I'll not say but folks were surprised as in previous years I've stylishly strutted around with one on my youthful figure.  Not this year, folks. I'm coat free but life is still good and easy for me especially since I get my regular play dates with handsome hound hunk Winston.  He is just THE best and we have the most wonderful time running, romping and playing in the large arena area.  For the winter,  I am staying in the kitchen area (near Winston) and things were really grooving along as there were a couple kitty condos in that space.  Like clockwork during the night, I would benefit from freshly dropped on the floor kitten chow from their cages.  It was lip smacking yummy!  LOL.  Those kitties have been relocated and my normal and approved diet is back in place which is a might bit boring but helps maintain my shapely figure.  With no emerging health issues,  I'm on target to enjoy many more playdates with Winston and many other opportunities to scarf kitten food when the next batch of wee ones arrive.  Fall 2023 Update: "I have some new digs and I think I like 'em," explains our lovely lady Leah. Since we last spoke, we've moved Leah around to better suit her needs and yes, quirks. During the day, we have her under Parsley's Place and for nights, she is in the T/E kitchen area. She seems content with the new arrangement which makes life so much easier for us! In her new outside spot, her next door neighbor is Brownie, a super senior boxer mix. She's been eyeballing him in a flirtatious manner more recently so perhaps there is love in the air? When we last checked in, Leah had her dental and now months later, we can say she is putting on some much needed weight and we sense she's feeling much better. We've tweaked her diet a bit to include some special shredded beef to give her an extra enticement to chow down and it's clear our efforts have paid off. Leah has no other emerging health issues and we'll enjoy seeing her settle into another glorious fall season at The Sanctuary.

Breed: Carolina Dog

Gender: Female

Age: Senior


Boss is a male blue heeler mix born about 11/16/12.  He is up to date on shots and neutered.  He and his siblings were dropped in the parking lot of a local pound(guess the person who had them was to chicken to go in and face what he/she was about to do).  The shelter was out of room so these sweet babies were going to be put down immediately, we were called and were able to get these guys into a foster home where they now await adoption. 

Breed: Australian Cattle Dog / Blue Heeler

Gender: Male

Age: Adult

Fosters/Volunteers needed

Please note that the pups that you see in these pictures have been adopted. However we regularly rescue pups like these from India who are available for adoption in the US. We are looking for fosters or volunteers in New Jersey for our IN pups/dogs rescued from the streets of India. We need committed foster homes for our pups who will take care of them when they are in the U.S. till a forever home is found.We are also looking for volunteers who is willing to fly with the dogs. It is extremely expensive to fly the dogs solo from India to the U.S; however it is lot cheaper if you are flying with the dogs. If you are visiting Delhi (where we have foster homes) or surrounding cities in India and would like to help us rescue a pup or two from the streets by flying them with you back home to the U.S. please contact us. Please email for more information.More Information:Desi (Local) or IN (Indian Native) or Pariah Dog is a natural primitive breed which is a direct descendant of the early domesticated dogs. Its truly a pure breed whose origin dates back 12,000 to 15,000 years – older than any other breed We are very proud to be a Rescue without borders. So, what does it mean to be a rescue without borders? In the last two years we were able to rescue, rehabilitate and find homes for over 100 IN dogs in the U.S. and Canada. We rescue and adopt within the U.S. irrespective of state borders, but now you may be wondering, why India? Typically in India, dogs that are born on the streets are not kept as family pets. Most people cannot afford to keep a dog as a pet and those who do prefer a western breed as a status symbol. So these street dogs spend their entire lives on the streets in deplorable conditions. Most of the pups that are born on the streets will get killed by passing cars, or die of starvation or malnutrition. These dogs/ pups often become victims of cruelty as some people resort to cruel measures to get rid of them from their streets. The average life span of a dog living on the streets of India is 5 years during which time they continue to live starving miserable life full of abuse and suffering; however when these same dogs when given a chance to live in a home as family pets will live a healthy life of up to 16-18 years. That is why we rescue these dogs to give them an opportunity to be a part of a family and to live their life in a comfort and safety of a loving home. Please email for more information. Check out our Rescue's Face book page to see our IN Dogs adopted all over North America. More Info on this breed --- Desi (Local) or IN (Indian Native) or Pariah Dog is a pure, ancient, indigenous dog of India that abounds the Indian streets. A long time ago, and thousands of years before the arrival of modern pure breeds, a race of dogs much like this one inhabited the Indian subcontinent. These were the very first domestic dogs and Man's earliest animal companions. It has evolved entirely through natural selection without human intervention of any kind resulting into a very hardy, extremely intelligent, alert and independent thinking dog. This is a natural primitive breed which is a direct descendant of the early domesticated dogs. These dogs are found to be genetically healthy with no known genetic diseases and a very strong immune system. This is a natural breed of dog that is pure in a true sense and is how nature intended a dog to be; hence they are way superior to the artificially developed man made breeds that we call pure breeds today. Its origin dates back 12,000 to 15,000 years – older than any other breed. They are perfectly adapted for survival; a free-roaming life on the street for these dogs is always difficult and often hostile and hence requires high order of intelligence, quick and independent thinking to survive. On the streets it is the survival of the fittest, usually out of a litter some will get run over by cars while others will succumb to hunger and malnutrition. Only the most hardiest and intelligent ones will survive to produce off springs. When this survivor is adopted as a Pet, their owners are often awe struck with their beauty, grace, intelligence, loyalty and hardiness. They are highly adaptable, quick learners and versatile and are known to be even smarter and definitely calmer than the intelligent Border Collies. They are very agile and excel at many dog sports such as agility and also make great jogging/running companions and can be even faster than Grey Hounds. While active outdoors, they are usually very calm and quiet indoors. They have tremendous stamina and hence need an active family who will take them for a daily brisk walks or a run. INDogs dogs are sensitive by nature and do not respond well to harsh training methods and hence need an even tempered, gentle but firm and loving owner who knows how to calmly and consistently communicate the rules of the house. These dogs love children and are known to have a calm and gentle demeanor around them. They bond strongly with their people and make an excellent family pet that is very loving, loyal and intelligent. These dogs do not bark much but are always alert; they are friendly yet wary of strangers and make good watch dogs. Desi dogs are low maintenance dog as they are generally very healthy and like to stay clean; they hardly shed and have virtually no doggy odor. Their smooth, fine short hair coat is easy to groom. They have an all weather coat that allows them to easily adapt to different weather conditions. A well-looked after pet IN dog will rarely need to see a vet and may live a healthy life of up to the age of 12 – 16 years. This is a medium size dog with an average height of 20-25 inches (51-64 cms) at the shoulder and generally weight about 28-50 pounds (12 – 22 kgs). With pointed ears, a wedge-shaped head and a tail that curls over its back, an IN Dog is similar in appearance to other prehistoric dogs like the Australian dingo. Please visit the following website to get more info on this breed-  

Breed: Hound

Gender: Female

Age: Baby


Peeta is a very pretty tabby with lots of personality and we just can't understand why he hasn't been adopted yet. He gets along well with other cats and doesn't seem to mind dogs either. He is wishing upon a star for his very own home and family to love.

Breed: Tabby

Gender: Male

Age: Adult


Sweetpea was a feral kitten when we first got her but has really come around. She has a cute little owl like face with very unique markings! She can be a little shy sometimes, but when she settles in, she just purrs and purrs! Sweetpea is as her name says, very sweet! Sweetpea is currently residing at our shelter in Friendsville. If you would like to meet this precious girl, please call 865-740-2704 She is spayed, up to date on her vaccinations, tested negative for Feline Leukemia and micro-chipped. $99.00 adoption fee includes the above mentioned medical and lifetime micro-chip registration.

Breed: Tabby

Gender: Female

Age: Adult


Maya is a very smart 2 year old German Shepard who was found by Animal Control as a stray. The person who adopts who will need to have a clear knowledge of German Shepard behavior and be very firm and consistent with Maya. Maya understands how to push the limits to the point of defiance. She will need someone who is devoted to helping her channel her intelligence into productive behavior. She loves other dogs but tends to overwhlem them. She is house and crate trained. If you are interested in adopting Maya, please fill out an application on our  .

Breed: German Shepherd Dog

Gender: Female

Age: Adult

Barn Cats - Got Mice?

New outdoor homes NEEDED, such as a barns, stables, garages, shops, or warehouses for feral and semi-feral cats. Barn cats are the real workers of the feline world. Barn cats control rodents in horse stables, mills, shops, and barns. These cats are doing an important job, they will need to be cared for and be kept safe. No adoption fee for barn cats. These photo's are just examples of barn cats. We have all types and colors of feral, semi-feral, and other cats for relocation to barns. Barn cats are up to date on shots, microchipped, dewormed, ear tipped, and fixed.

Breed: Tabby

Gender: Female

Age: Adult

Barn Cats - Got Mice?

New outdoor homes NEEDED, such as a barns, stables, garages, shops, or warehouses for feral and semi-feral cats. Barn cats are the real workers of the feline world. Barn cats control rodents in horse stables, mills, shops, and barns. These cats are doing an important job, they will need to be cared for and be kept safe. No adoption fee for barn cats. These photo's are just examples of barn cats. We have all types and colors of feral, semi-feral, and other cats for relocation to barns. Barn cats are up to date on shots, microchipped, dewormed, ear tipped, and fixed.

Breed: Domestic Short Hair

Gender: Female

Age: Adult


PLEASE ADOPT ME!!!!! WE ARE LOOKING FOR A GREAT HOME FOR BEAUTIFUL PRINCESS LITTLE AND OR HER MOTHER SOPHIE'S. THEY ARE SO CUTE. THEY ARE SWEETHEARTS. DATE OF BIRTH 4-3-12. THEY ARE ALL BLACK AND WHITE, THEY ARE LOOKING FOR LOVE AND A GOOD HOME. THEY WENT TO THE VET'S TO GET UP TO THEIR SHOTS, TESTED FOR FELV/FIV NEG., STARTED THEIR HEARTWORM/FLEA PREVENTION AND DEWORMED . PRINCESS AND SOPHIE ARE BOTH SPAY. If you have room in your heart and home for any of these Babies, these or any of our other wonderful, beautiful babies please email Miracle House Animal Rescue with your name and telephone number to We are located just east of Cincinnati, Ohio, out Rt 32 in Brown County. We work by appointment only, after you are approved. Thank you.

Breed: Domestic Short Hair

Gender: Female

Age: Adult


Meet Torch! Torch has soooooooo much personality.  He is around 8 yrs old and loving rescued life.   Whenever someone sees him they just want to squeeze his chubby cheeks!! He is adorable.  He had a broken elbow on his right front leg --and it healed wrong.  He walks with a limp but doesn't seem to bother him.  Torch is FIV positive but FIV positive cats can live long lives with good quality health care so don't let that little fact scare you away from a lifetime of devoted love from this young man! He is very friendly, outgoing & entertaining! He will nip if you pet him and over stimulate him. This cat has purrrrrrrrrrrrsonality!!! If looking for a furrrrever friend please email

Breed: Domestic Short Hair

Gender: Male

Age: Adult


Van is a very friendly boy. He would love to have a home of his own. Please fill out the online application below if you can give him a great home.

Breed: Domestic Short Hair

Gender: Male

Age: Adult

FOSTER HOMES NEEDED!! All expenses paid!

We need foster homes! Some people say they could never foster because it would hurt too much to say goodbye.... But it hurts even more to know that a dog or cat died only because it didn't have a foster home to go to. ? Fostering is an awesome way to help us save lives, and it is a great blessing to the families who open up their homes and hearts to these urgent dogs and cats! New Life Animal Rescue covers all expenses for fosters, provides all equipment needed including food, crate, collar, leash, toys, (litter box, litter for kittens / cats), etc., and offers support and training as needed. Our foster families just need to provide a safe, loving home until adoption time, and maybe some work like house-training. We help with training tips as we are all about 100% positive, force-free training. We also do all the screening of potential adopters, but welcome any input that foster parents would like to offer. We schedule home visits with potential adopters, and foster parents are welcome to come along on those visits if they wish, as they get to know their foster dog best. We do limit our foster homes to within one hour of the Marlton NJ area to make the vet visits and other trips easier. If you are interested in helping, please submit an application at the link below: Thank you for your interest in helping us save lives!!

Breed: Terrier

Gender: Female

Age: Young


BETTY and her twin brother BENNY were abandoned as kittens. They are both healthy and looking for a permanent home. BETTY is easy going, sweet and gets along with other cats. For more information, call Laney at 305-889-0840 or email Make payments with PayPal - it's fast, free and secure!

Breed: Domestic Short Hair

Gender: Female

Age: Adult