Animal Search Results

Elfie, Snowflake, Holly and Ivy

This is truly an adorably special family! Mom Snowflake (white lionhead) came to us with her 5 babies in tow. Her girls Holly & Ivy (brown lionheads) seemed clingy to her but we thought they would grow out if it. So we introduced the incredibly sweet Elfie to the mix hoping he would bond with Mom and then we would have 2 separate pairs. But oh no!! Elfie stepped up as surrogate dad!!! They equally adore one another and love to play and take turns snuggling with one another. They woould bring much joy to a bunny savvy household!

Breed: Lionhead

Gender: Female

Age: Young


Found as a young struggling mom during a large scale Trap/Neuter/Return effort, we saw something in her that just wasn't feral! Although she can still be shy at times, this pretty girl with the unusual mustache (is that an oxymoron?) and the silky coat has become quite a little house cat! She is still learning the ropes and will require someone who is patient and loving, but knowing you are giving her a home and enjoying the love she gives in return will be your reward. For more information and to complete an online application, please visit

Breed: Domestic Short Hair

Gender: Female

Age: Young


DOB - 3/17/18 estimate Marble was born to a feral mom. She took Marble and one sibling to her feeder and left them. The sibling disappeared. A couple of days later, Marble showed up at her front door and literally knocked on the door. She opened the door and he walked right in and made himself at home. He is a very sweet cat who loves to be pet. He is curious and wants to be a part of everything. He gets along well with the foster's other cats.

Breed: Domestic Short Hair

Gender: Male

Age: Adult


Meet Hudson! He is a gorgeous 2 year old ginger and is super friendly and sweet. However, as you can see, he is starting to look sadder each day because he’s been at the rescue since he was a kitten. He was found outside and we’ve had him ever since he was rescued. Even though he is positive for Feline Leukemia he is perfectly healthy but sometimes shy which is probably why he’s been overlooked for so long. He deserves a home as much as any other cat. If you or anyone you know would be interested in adopting Hudson, email us at!

Breed: Domestic Short Hair

Gender: Male

Age: Adult


Nadia is a very loyal, affectionate, sweet, and playful girl with the staff at the shelter. She is very nervous of strangers and would take a special person with dog experience.

Breed: Rottweiler

Gender: Female

Age: Adult


DOB 9/1/18 estimated Prince is a sweet but shy guy. He was born to a feral mom and wasn't caught until he was about 10 weeks old. Took him a little while to figure out that humans are okay. Now that he knows, he loves to give his foster mom kisses. He is an active cat who likes to run around and play. He is shy in new situations and will need someone who is willing to give him the time he needs to adjust to a new environment. He loves to play with the laser pointer and loves Party Mix treats Not sure if he would be good in a new home as he is close to his brother Duke and sister Daisy. He would have to choose his new human.

Breed: Domestic Short Hair

Gender: Male

Age: Adult


DOB 9/1/18 estimated UPDATE: Sweet Daisy has grown up with us at BSK. She is such a sweet girl. She loves to be held and get attention from her foster. However, she is very scared of strangers. If you are looking for a great cat, please come meet her. She will have to choose her new person but if you are the lucky one she chooses, you will have a little shadow. Daisy was the smallest of a litter of 5. She was born to a feral mom. When she was about 7 weeks old, her mom left her and her brother Duke at the feeders home. Daisy was very sick with an upper respiratory infection. Duke was taking care of her. They were both caught and immediately taken to the vet. They were both put on antibiotic and are healthy and happy now. Daisy is a very sweet, active girl. She loves to cuddle with her foster mom and showers her with kisses. Daisy is very bonded to her foster. She will need to "choose" her new owner. She was adopted out with her brother Duke but both were so scared that they were returned almost immediately.

Breed: Domestic Short Hair

Gender: Female

Age: Adult


DOB 9/1/18/ estimated Duke is a very sweet boy and very calm. He loves to just hang out next to his foster mom. He is the largest of a litter of 5. He was born to a feral mom. When he was approximately 7 weeks old, his mom left him and his sister Daisy in her feeders yard. Daisy was very sick and Duke was looking out after her. They were caught by the feeder and immediately taken to the vet. Duke was just starting to get sick. They both got antibiotics and are healthy sweet cats now. The best way to describe Duke is "an old soul in a cat's body". Duke is very bonded to his foster mom and he will need to choose his new human. 2 previous attempts at adoption have failed but we are willing to keep trying until he finds his "perfect" slave!

Breed: Domestic Short Hair

Gender: Male

Age: Adult

Fred and Ginger

Fred and Ginger - a bonded pair. Actually, Fred is bonded. Ginger would be fine alone. This is a very sad story. They were owned by a very reclusive gentleman, who lived far out in the country. One day, he passed away. No one knew, because he was such a loner. Days, then weeks passed. The Chows and Chow Akita mixes inside the man's home died from hunger and thirst. Somehow, a few of the dogs in his yard survived. These are two of them. Ginger is confident and a bit alpha. Fred is a bit timid. Both are about 5 to 6 years of age.

Breed: Akita

Gender: Male

Age: Adult

Oogie Boogie

I’m super playful and sweet. I like to be held and loved but guard your taco or cheeseburger because I might just love food more. DOB - September 2018

Breed: Domestic Short Hair

Gender: Male

Age: Adult


Shelby is a 1 1/2 year old bobtail girl. Shelby is shy but loves to play with string toys and the red dot from a laser pointer. Her sister is Shiloh.

Breed: Domestic Short Hair

Gender: Female

Age: Young


Sammy is an adoptable adult male dog. He is 40 pounds and described as fun-loving. Sammy gets along well with kids and other dogs, but he has a special gentle softness with other dogs. If you're looking for a pocket-sized companion, Sammy might be the perfect fit. Sammy's affectionate nature and playful spirit would make him a great addition to almost any family. Come meet Sammy today and fall in love with your new best friend. This is Sammy's second time at our shelter, help make it his last time here.

Breed: Labrador Retriever

Gender: Male

Age: Adult


Levi is one of our shy guys. He is super sweet and really loving once he warms up to you. Levi gets along great with other dogs both male and female. If you are willing to give this shy guy a home, come on out and meet him.

Breed: Labrador Retriever

Gender: Male

Age: Adult


Pimms is naturally sweet! Would you like to have coffee with Pimms? He can be slightly bitter when he first meets a new person, but like a nice cup of coffee, he warms up quickly. No cream and sugar necessary. Pimms is naturally sweet! Pimms longs for a forever person who will brush him, play with him, and keep him safe and calm. He is prone to anxiety (aren’t we all?), but in a loving environment that is purrfect for him, he will thrive. And for the person lucky enough to adopt him, Pimms is like that first sip of coffee. He just makes everything better.

Breed: Domestic Short Hair

Gender: Male

Age: Adult

Baloo (aka Rocky)

Most recent pictures and info about Baloo can be found here: May 10, 2024 - long story short: Baloo is available for adoption. Though he is currently fostered in a home with a young child, he will not be adopted to a home with young children. He has anxiety and a very loud bark - a detached home is required; apartments, suites, townhomes, etc will be too difficult with shared walls & neighbours. His bite history is from 2018; he punctured the skin on the arm of owners that treated him in an abusive manner. He has NO bite history since then. He can be mouthy but also growls and communicates well when uncomfortable. Precautions should be taken around children, groomers, veterinarians etc. - for this reason he needs an owner that understands the importance of MANAGING a dog for the safety of all involved (dog included). The things Baloo doesn’t like are justified. He is a GOOD dog, not an aggressive dog. Examples: he likes being trimmed with a quiet razor, but not being brushed and having the pulling on his fur (groomer); he loves strangers but not if they try to inspect him in a stressful environment (vet); he loves kids petting him at the park, but not unpredictable toddlers that can fall or pull on him while learning to walk (young children). Currently, Baloo is not medicated and is doing well. ********************** Are you still interested? GREAT! Baloo was adopted late 2019. He was returned May 2024. Baloo had a great life in his previous adoptive home. However, over the years things changed - his best friend senior dog passed away, the family had 3 children under 3 years old, and they were living in a small home where they could not provide the relaxing environment they knew Baloo deserved. This family did right by Baloo while owning him, and continued to do right by him by removing him from a situation they could not manage. ********************** Ready for the whole story? Baloo was taken into our rescue in September 2018. That is when the below bio was written. It has not been changed as we believe it’s important to understand his history, even though it does not define him. Baloo - the most lovely crazy-pants dog you’ll ever know. Baloo DOES have a “bite” history and cannot go to a home with children under 16 years Baloo is NOT an “aggressive” dog… Meet Baloo the Samoyed. This poor boy has had a really unlucky start in life. We are told he was from a breeder in Ontario, but he has no microchip or tattoo to trace back to one - which also hints it may be a BYB/puppy mill he is from. He was bought by an idiot, who sold him on Kijiji at 1.5 yrs old. We know this owner was an idiot, because he was also selling mixed breed kittens for $400. The family that bought Baloo off kijiji loved him at first sight and had him neutered etc. However - like many pets for sale, the owner didn’t tell the whole truth, the family soon realized Baloos energy level, and behavioural issues came up. Baloo started being pretty incessant with nipping/mouthing (which is not uncommon for a young high energy male dog of this breed) and unfortunately the advice the adult human male had for how to deal with this behaviour was horrible. Baloo was handled roughly when he was behaving poorly (think “alpha” style training), which lead his behaviour to escalate to full-on defensive bites. The family grew too fearful to handle Baloo, and was told to euthanize by SPCA when they tried to surrender him due to his history and behaviour... soooo.... welcome Baloo to Carried Through Rescue! Baloo came into rescue with me Sept 2018. He was a psycho, with no patience and insane energy. He wasn’t crate trained, he was obstinate, and loved throwing tantrums. However he was also smart, and knew tricks (though he just did them for his perceived benefits), and LOVED petting and cuddles. He was NOT afraid to use his mouth to try scare you and get his way - but he had GREAT Bite inhibition and only ever bruised me, he didn’t break skin. He was a young, mishandled, brat who deserved a better chance than he’d had. Baloo was heavily medicated on gabapentin and trazadone, so we spent September weaning him off those meds and working on some basic respect and manners. In October I was away for 2 weeks, so he went to an active foster home with balanced discipline/rules. While he did good, he was still a handful. From the foster home, we had an adoptive home that was a friend of theirs interested. They had a super active large dog and acreage, and while rules and boundaries were not a priority for them, we thought maybe day after day of exercise and play could help Baloo and decided to try it. This home tried Baloo from mid-October to mid-November, but unfortunately Baloo was too insane around their cat (while he never caught the cat we are worried Baloo would injure or kill a cat) and without enough rules and boundaries Baloo's energy was soon overwhelming for the other young large energetic dog, and the family, in tears about not being able to make it work, returned him. For December, January and February Baloo was back with me, seeing if some consistency could calm him down, but even doing the same routine daily for 90 days, he still couldn’t do it calmly - it’s a little like he had rocket juice for breakfast. Everything had to be done top speed. Though he loved attention FROM me, he was not interested in a true relationship WITH me. For March and April we started him on Prozac. I would say BEFORE the Prozac his energy was an unbearable 12/10. Now, on the Prozac, he is an almost unbearable 10/10. But it has helped. Baloos forever home will need a good sense of humour, and patience ?? So, here we are in May, with Baloo now looking for an adoptive home. Prozac takes a minimum 3 months to really kick in, so we are hoping he will continue to show small improvements. An adoptive home SHOULD be ok with keeping Baloo on Prozac for 2-3 months until an adoption is finalized - then they may choose to discontinue its use. If a family chooses to continue it after adoption, it’s only $30 a month. Baloo is house trained and typically non destructive in the home, he knows his toys and chooses them over shoes etc etc. Baloo loves affection. He will snuggle right into you. He will paw you to pay attention to him. But you can’t let him get too excited, or you will end up with scratches by your eyes, or on your chest, when he tries to jump up for attention. Baloo does AMAZING with all other dogs large and small. He has shown no food aggression, and has submitted anytime challenged by another dog. However, again, it’s his energy level - he can very very easily injure a small dog or frail senior dog by smashing into them while playing, running through the house, etc. Baloo is a giant klutz in the house who runs, not walks, everywhere. Therefore he needs a house with an open layout, he would be maddening in an apartment or a home with lots of decorations etc. Aside from the energy, Baloo's only really negative issue is reactivity around his collar/being restrained. Since being in rescue, we have worked very hard to desensitize him, and he has NOT broken skin with any bites. However all his handlers have been experienced, and he has had stubborn moments and given us warning mouthing, some bruising etc - but his inhibition is really amazing. This attitude only comes out when Baloo has to do something he doesn’t want to - like: guiding him away from an over exciting situation, restraining him for a bath, etc. Baloo is crate trained, though he does occasionally use a very high pitched bark to show annoyance if he thinks he shouldn’t be crated at that moment. Everyone that’s met Baloo, including a few potential homes that didn’t move forward, have all been smitten with him upon meeting. He really is a sweet boy, with a good heart, who’s been failed by humans and needs a committed home where he can settle and improve steadily and patiently over a year. He will not be particularly easy, but he will be worth it. So - what is the idea home for Baloo? A fit and healthy, adult-only, spacious home with someone who has the strength to walk him, and a secure yard. No children under 16, not because of aggression but because we don’t want anyone knocked over and hurt in his excitement. For the same reason, no little dogs. No cats. Other fit and active dogs over 40 lbs could be a good friend for Baloo. His home will have to be able to exercise him, but also realize exercise won’t tire him, so they need to be open to things that stimulate his brain as well, like trick training. Lastly, a home needs to understand that it’s not cruel to crate Baloo and create rules and boundaries for him - it allows him to relax, and gives everyone around him a break. See more Baloo pics and videos on Facebook:

Breed: Samoyed

Gender: Male

Age: Adult


Oscar is about 2 years old and loves other cats. He is very playful. Oscar is a shy boy that requires lots of patience.... he will allow petting but he has to come to you. With time he will come to you to be pet and he loves it. He is negative for FELV-FIV. Fully vaccinated and neutered. If you are looking for the cutest boy to add to your home and have "cat experiene" he is your man!

Breed: Domestic Short Hair

Gender: Male

Age: Adult

Freckles, Ivy, and Daffodil

We are three girl kitties looking for a home together. If you like having beautiful cats around but don't really care if you can pet and hold them and stuff, then we are the cats for you. We love living in a home with people. But it may take us a while to let you touch us. I'm Freckles, the calico. My siblings and I were strays that someone brought in as kittens. When it came time for adoptions, I got left behind because I just couldn't act mellow like all my brothers and sisters. When I got scared, I would hiss and try to act scary. I am not scary but am in fact a very nice cat. If you are very patient with me, I may let you pet me some day. It just takes a lot to have me let down my guard. I am curious and playful and about 3 years old. I met my friends Daffodil and Ivy here in my foster home. Daffy was left behind in an apartment. She really has never gotten over mistrusting people for that. But she loves other cats. We never let her down. Daffy has the coolest nose and markings. She's a tortie-Siamese! Who needs to touch her when just looking at her is such a treat?! Daffy has come a long way with other feline friends by her side. We want to go on helping her feel safe and loved. Ivy is like the momma of our group. She raised litters of kittens of her own outside and now she's adopted us! She is orange and beautiful. It's so nice to curl up with her in a soft, heated bed. She likes to play and has the cutest creaky little meow. She is sweet and social but likes to be petted mostly only at mealtime. There's something about getting served up that yummy food that brings out her sweet side. Earning our trust is easy when you feed us our healthy raw diet and favorite crunchy snacks. Are you are VERY patient and willing to let some shy cats like us just be who we are? Are you looking to adopt three best friends? If so call for more information. Molly 651-295-3758 Note: Kitty Revolution occasionally helps promote cats being taken care of by our friends and supporters. The cat(s) in this posting are not Kitty Revolution cats. Any adoption that may occur as a result of this listing is an arrangement strictly between two independent parties.

Breed: Domestic Medium Hair

Gender: Female

Age: Adult


This handsome tuxedo boy needs a new home.  Blake came from a tragic situation and is now trying to put it behind him.  He would love to settle into a new forever home with someone who has the patience and kindness to help build up his confidence and give him the good life he deserves. Blake's long white whiskers will enchant you!  He is 8 1/2 years old, neutered, negative for FIV/FELV, microchipped and up to date on all vaccines.  This stunning boy would love to be your new fur baby! Blake is currently at our Freeport location. Please fill out the adoption application on our website using a laptop or desktop (no phone or tablet, please) if you would like to meet this handsome guy. Kindly keep in mind that our adoptions are local only (Long Island and the 5 boroughs of NYC).

Breed: Domestic Short Hair

Gender: Male

Age: Adult


Susie is a spayed female tabby and is up to date on her shots. She has 2 toes on her right hind paw from an accident when she was a kitten. She is a playful kitty that loves to chase the laser and play with other cats, especially boys. She is an expert bug catcher. She has not been around children or dogs. She is shy and needs a patient pet parent to let her get to know you and warm up to you. Please call TP at 910-224-6068 to meet or adopt.

Breed: Domestic Short Hair

Gender: Female

Age: Adult

Yum Yum

Yum Yum is a Siamese Mix 7-year-old male with blue eyes. He is shy and keeps to himself. He is good with other cats. He needs to find a home to get love and attention. The adoption fee is $50.00 and includes neutering, microchipping, and a rabies shot. If interested call Vickie at 309-235-1196. 12/30/22

Breed: Domestic Medium Hair

Gender: Male

Age: Adult