Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
What if I see a stray or feral cat?
Contact ACP and we can help you trap the cat. While not required, it is immensely helpful when community members can help us trap feral cats. We could not help as many cats as we do without support from the community. Typically, an ACP volunteer will train you on how to use a trap and then you will monitor the trap while waiting for the cat to go inside. We schedule trapping around our clinic days and will work closely with you to ensure trapping happens when we have available clinic space.
What happens after a cat is trapped?
ACP volunteers will assess whether the cat is friendly (socialized to humans) or if it is feral. If the cat is friendly, we will help find it a home. This could be through our foster program or a partnership with another local rescue/shelter. If it is feral, the cat will be returned to the area it is trapped.
What if I see kittens, pregnant or nursing cats?
Contact ACP as soon as possible! Kittens and young cats are much easier to socialize and put up for adoption than adult cats, and even a week can make a big difference!
What if I see an injured cat?
Contact ACP as soon as possible! We can provide veterinary care for feral and stray cats.
What if I see a friendly cat?
Please attempt to find the owner. It could be an indoor-outdoor cat or it could be someone’s lost pet. To find out if the cat has owner, we recommend:
- Talk to your neighbors to see if anyone recognizes the cat
- Post about the cat on social media (NextDoor, Facebook – Lost Cats of King County, Facebook – Cats of Seattle)
- Review lost cat postings on social media
- Attach a paper collar with your contact info asking the owner to call you because you’re worried this is a lost cat
If you have no success finding an owner, please contact us. We can help you trap the cat and scan for a microchip.
What happens after I contact ACP?
A volunteer will contact you to gather more details about the cats. Typically, we will ask you these questions to learn more about the cats you are calling about:
- Where is the cat located?
- How long have you been noticing the cat?
- Does the cat have an eartip?
- Does the cat appear ill/injured?
- Is that cat skittish around humans or friendly?
- Are you able to monitor a trap?
- Can you provide transportation for a trapped cat?
How do I know if a feral cat has already been spayed or neutered?
An ear tip is the universal sign that a cat has been spayed or neutered through a Trap-Neuter-Return (TNR) program. If you see a cat outdoors missing the tip of their left or right ear, they have an eartip and are already spayed or neutered. It can sometimes be hard to tell if a cat has an eartip. If you email us photos, sometimes we can advise. Even with photos, it can be difficult to tell, so we may still request your help in trapping the cat so one of our experienced volunteers can examine the cat’s ears in person.
What should I do while I wait to be contacted by an ACP volunteer?
- Feed the cat on a schedule at least once a day. This will make trapping the cat easier.
- Reach out to your neighbors to see if this cat has an owner.